Monday, November 19, 2007

Trouble begins - Call for Action 1 and responses...

Dear X:

So would you be willing to draft and sign a voluntary agreement to reduce
your personal and professional carbon footprint? The agreement could be to
reduce your footprint by X% a year, or to get it below a target amount.

If we the scientists aren't willing to stand up and do something about
global warming, why should the rest of the public? It seems fitting that
the faculty, staff and students in the atmospheric, earth, space and ocean
sciences lead the way for UW and beyond.

...says the alum. I'll sign too, and I'll take it to the wind industry in


Some responses:
From Rob ------------------------------------------------------

Some thoughts about details:

Can we offset these emissions with carbon credits?

Is it a reduction we are looking for, or just a commitment to emit less

than a certain amount?

Would it include UW travel (in which case, with my 50,000 miles last

year, I'd be in trouble)?

It should certainly include personal travel. I was feeling quite good

about not having a car, but that's almost completely offset by my one
personal trip to the UK (or to Mexico) per year. I now need to do
something more.

Just asking everyone to calculate their emissions would be a good start.

The online calculators are enlightening.



From Halstead ------------------------------------------------------

On Nov 18, 2007 4:06 PM, Halstead <>

On Sun, 18 Nov 2007, kcomstock wrote:

So would you be willing to draft and sign a voluntary
agreement to reduce your personal and professional carbon
footprint? The agreement could be to reduce your footprint by
X% a year, or to get it below a target amount.

So. Let's talk about this, with explicit formulae
and better numbers. The devil's in the details.

1) My personal carbon footprint shall be calculated

2) Offset costs would be what? Shall these be
computed on the gross, or on the net above average?

3) Personal, or family? Any age adjustment?

4) Can we sign conditionally upon some specified
percent of others signing too?

5) Anything I've forgotten?



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